Jidoka is a technique to provide machines and operators with the ability to detect when an abnormal condition has occurred and immediately stop the work. Also known as autonomation, meaning "automation with human intelligence", Jidoka is the tool of built-in quality and supports just-in-time production. With an effective Jidoka system in place, companies can ensure that defects are not passed on to the customer, equipment breakdown is prevented and operators can work on multiple machines instead of wasting their time watching them.
In this training presentation, you will learn the key concept and principles of Jidoka, understand the tools and the four-step process of Jidoka, as well as gain insights on developing an effective Jidoka system.
1. Understand the key concept and principles of Jidoka.
2. Familiarize with the tools of Jidoka.
3. Define the four steps of a Jidoka process.
4. Acquire knowledge on developing a Jidoka system.
1. Introduction to Jidoka
• Introduction to Jidoka
• Jidoka is one of the two pillars of TPS
• Background and history
• What is Jidoka?
• Jidoka – The tool of built-in quality
• Principles of Jidoka
• Automation vs. Jidoka
• Concept of Jidoka
• Benefits of practicing Jidoka
2. Tools of Jidoka
• Tools of Jidoka
• Andon
• Andon cord
• Fixed-position stop
• Poka-yoke
• Sensors
3. Four Steps of Jidoka
• Four steps of Jidoka
• Step 1: Detect the abnormality
• Step 2: Stop the equipment or line
• Step 3: Fix the immediate condition
• Step 4: Investigate root cause and install countermeasure
4. Developing a Jidoka System
• How to identify opportunities for Jidoka
• Developing a Jidoka system
• Minimizing manual labor
• Introduction of mechanization
• Automation
• Jidoka (Autonomation)
• Jidoka summary
This presentation covers the essential tools like Andon, Poka-yoke, and warning sensors, providing practical examples and applications. It also includes detailed steps on developing a Jidoka system, from identifying opportunities to implementing automation and mechanization.
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Source: Best Practices in Lean Management, Jidoka PowerPoint Slides: Jidoka PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation Slide Deck, Operational Excellence Consulting
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